joint and several wills
Do you know what a Solidarity Will is? It is the possibility of including in your will one or more NGOs and Foundations, so that they can invest your inheritance in solidarity projects. You can bequeath a part of your estate or a specific asset, in this case it is a "bequest". The donation can be of any amount you wish and in no case will it be detrimental to your legitimate heirs.
Why is it important to make a will?
Because it is the most appropriate legal tool to ensure that your last will is carried out. In case it does not exist, the law will decide the destination of your assets following an order of kinship. Whatever your age, think how important it is to leave your estate organised strictly according to your feelings and wishes.
Do you have any questions we can help you with?
Write to us and our legal team will get back to you.
Legacy Solidarity Juegaterapia
Whatever the amount bequeathed, we assure you that your money will make great charitable projects a reality, making the lives of children suffering from cancer more beautiful and happy.
How can you include the Juegaterapia Foundation in your will?
It is very easy to do and you have several possibilities: You can bequeath us a specific asset that you consider important for the mission of our Foundation. "I bequeath to the Juegaterapia Foundation the amount of xxxx€ to be used for their solidarity projects in favour of children suffering from cancer".
If you want us to share your inheritance with another NGO or Foundation that you consider equally valuable, you only have to inform in the will of the percentage you are giving to each one.
If you do not have direct heirs, you can appoint us as universal heirs and we will ensure that your estate is given life to new and valuable projects in hospitals.
So that you can include it in your will, our details are: Juegaterapia Foundation Registered office in Madrid, c/ Núñez de Balboa, 56. Bajo A. 28001 - Madrid. CIF G-86557097
What good can we achieve if you decide to include us in your will?
What good can we achieve if you decide to include us in your will?
Depending on the amount bequeathed, we will be able to implement all these projects: 2.500€: We will build two KICICLOS, tricycles with a built-in tricycle carrier so that children can run around the hospital corridors while receiving chemo. 5.000€: We will distribute more than 20 JAPPY KITS that include a tablet or console and games so that children can escape and play during their hospital stay. It is scientifically proven that, while playing, children's pain decreases by up to 44% at peak times. 20.000€: We will make hospital CT scan rooms more beautiful and fun so that medical tests are not so scary. 40.000€: We will build MAGICAL ISOLATION ROOMS where children, even if they have to spend many days in isolation to be protected, can experience living in a spaceship where every day is an adventure. 60.000€: We will build a CINEMA in a hospital so that their leisure time will be the same as children their age and they won't miss the latest films, enjoying themselves like dwarfs every weekend. 150.000€: We will build a GARDEN on the roof of a hospital, a lasting gift for hundreds of children in hospital. Fresh air and sunshine are the best medicine.
We are currently raising money for different initiatives for various projects - any help is welcome and the rewards are huge!
Juegaterapia was born in the spring of 2010. Monica Esteban, its founder, gave a Play Station to a child undergoing treatment.

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