coles solidarios: children helping children
We love nothing more than to have the collaboration of schools - there is no one better than children to help other children! If you become a therapeutic playgroup you will be able to see the beautiful atmosphere that is created in a group when pupils know that they are doing something important for other children who are going through a hospital process.
ideas for collaborating with your school
If you are part of a nursery school, a school, a training centre, a university or an AMPA and you want to collaborate with us, we have a super cool dossier of activities with very fun actions for the little ones and not so little ones to get involved and enjoy, contributing their bit to one of our beautiful projects and feel proud.

A day when children can go to school in their slippers. A day to give visibility to childhood cancer and learn to show solidarity by playing. To put ourselves "in their shoes" and empathise with them.

Imagine what your favourite plant would look like, draw it and think of a magical name. Take the envelope home and ask that they need magic seeds to help us build a garden on the roof of a hospital.

On this day, children and their parents can let their imagination run wild and express it freely with the most original hairstyles. A unique opportunity to show that joy also heals.

We propose you to bring the Olympic spirit to your schools by organising some very playful and therapeutic Olympic Games: such as skipping rope, ball and spoon, prisoner ball, sack race, tag and catch...
We help you to organise your solidarity action in your school
If you would like more details on how to organise a solidarity action of any kind in your school, please contact:
Carmen Vázquez
Here's to many years together!
Be a school, nursery, ampa, uni... proud collaborator of Juegaterapia and we will send you our seal of "Proud Collaborator Juegaterapeuta".
Every year you collaborate we will send you a stamp to put in the most beautiful place in your centre, and if you reach 5 years you will be our Proud Premium Collaborator!
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